Wednesday, May 16, 2012

ABC Gum - the best kind

While Jonah was playing ball hockey tonight, I sat in the stands and Nate ran around the arena playing Power Rangers and making friends. He likes to challenge all the little kids to a foot race. I can see the top of his head as he makes his way around the boards, huffing and puffing, calmly adjusting his glasses when they fall out of place.

Toward the end of the hour, I noticed him pulling his gum out of his mouth and stretching it. It must feel really cool, but does not look cool at all.  I told him to stop doing it, because his hands are dirty, bacteria, virus, flesh eating disease, yada yada.  A few minutes later I see him doing it again. "Gross" I say, "did I not just tell you to stop doing that?" Nate leans in close to me. "There is something I didn't tell you, Dad. Its like a secret." He paused for a second, then said very quietly, almost in a whisper, "I got it off the floor!" I told him I thought it was very gross, and he had to spit it out in the garbage. "Why, Dad, I cleaned all the dirt out of it. Its fine." We go to the garbage can, I point and say, "In there. spit!" I turn around, Nate has his mouth wide open and it is empty. "It's gone, Dad." Suspicious, I say, "Where? where did it go?" Large smile, crooked glasses, bright blues eyes, he pats his tummy and replies cheerfully, "right here, i swallowed it." Let's hear it for ABC gum.

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