Sunday, February 22, 2009


Leah was reading a sad part of her book the other day, and was shedding a few tears. Jonah ambled into the room, became quite concerned and asked her why she had feelings coming down her cheeks.

Booger Nights

Warning - may turn your stomach

Jonah picks his nose and usually recycles it. I find this mildly amusing, Leah finds it gross. Most other normal people do too. I am doing my duty to prevent Jonah from social backlash. I caught him in the car the other night.

Me: HEY! hey, are you eating that?
Jonah: mmm?? yes.
Me: OK, that's not cool... most people find it pretty disgusting, its not socially acceptable and you may lose friends too.
Jonah: well, Daddy, maybe your boogers are disgusting, but MINE ARE DELICIOUS!!!
Me: -----------

so far, no more progress has been made. Nate has picked up this unsettling habit as well.

The Boys

Its good to have Leah back with us. I'll have to admit I was a bit short handed. If you haven't been around the boys lately, you may not understand. The activity level is high, very high, and they take a certain pleasure watching you slowly suffer, doing your best to be patient and understanding (reminds me of those African Wild Dogs catching a Wildebeest... they just use their energy and numbers to worry the poor thing to death and then when it finally falls...)

Nate is a born trouble maker - revels in it. Jonah always has an organized, structured play area; everything is serving a purpose. Nate strolls into the room, his little chest stuck out, grabs a dinky car (not just any car, the white monster truck) and RUNS!! The thrill is over very quickly, and he is soon taken down, slapped into an armbar and relieved of his bounty. Jonah usually uses the 'tough love' approach. Nate hollers the whole time this is happening but heads back for another go in another few minutes. Its quite a circus.

Jonah - another level. totally. the kid has energy coming out his ears and spends most of his day being distracted by something greener. He has been enjoying helping me work on the basement. Too bad I couldn't see the fun side to receiving help from him, but he isn't content bringing things to me or getting me a drink of water.

Me: what (looking around), no, NO!! don't hit the buuutttttooonnnn!!!

too late, he does it anyway. this is why its not fun.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The DAY the Women Went

We have being trying to follow the CBC show "The Week the Women Went" because it is set in Tatamagouche, NS, and we know a few folks there. Its humorous to see how the guys manage with the girls away.

Well, Leah went to Moncton for two days for a little get-away (well deserved) and I was left with the two boys for 36 hours. Our two days were filled with sledding, videos, two trips to Crappy Tire, a trip to the mall (fail) and a few stops at Tim Horton's for timbits. I did manage to feed, dress, entertain and have them in bed by bedtime, and clean the house to Leah's satisfaction. We also thought we would share the craziness with Chris (whose wife also flew the coop) and his little girl, so we had them over for the day. We had a blast, but we were all anxious for her return...