Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The 5th Day

Quinn has found his voice and is willing to practice it at any time. He was awake about half the night last night. Leah is getting along pretty good though. Public Health nurse (Grant Thomas' sister) was in yesterday and was very encouraging, he is gaining weight, etc.. Nate and I are hard at work all day. I do the cooking and cleaning - He does the eating and messing.

I have tries multiple times to upload a video to Blogger but its not happening. Guess you'll just have come and see him.

Coming Home from Hospital. Didn't make a peep. Just the way we like it.


Proud BIG Brother. Nate calls him "Dur-ruther Baby"

Rocking his new swing

We have the same picture of the other two boys. He really looks like them here.

Car seat pushes his cheeks up. Thankfully he likes it.

makes it all worth it!

Thought I'd throw this one in. It takes him about 2 hrs to eat an apple this size. During this 2 hr stretch, the apple picks up its weight in various objects, all of which is consumed by an oblivious little boy. He just had the apple in visiting the kittens, trying to teach them how to use the litter box... I try not to look...

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Guys!! I think Quinn is Super cute!! Wow! Just like his big brothers!! Adorable! Can't wait to hold him!! I wish like crazy you guys still lived up the street! :( for me!Thi
