Eating at Montana's |
Recently we were on a mini-vacation and stayed at a hotel that had a pool. It had been awhile since Nate was under the water and he was having some difficulty getting up the courage to get in. Jonah swam, jumped, flopped, jetted, splashed, ran, slipped, and dove while Nate watched. There was some discussion that evening on why he wasn't swimming, etc.
Next morning after breakfast, Leah and the boys went to the pool and Nate got his goggles on and ran over to the pool, planted his toes on the lip of the pool, leapt into the air and plopped into the pool, and continued to swim all day.
We were very surprised that this little boy, too afraid one day and then without hesitation jumped in and swam around. We mentioned it a couple of times how funny it was that he got so brave so quickly. here is how the convo went:
Me or Leah: Nate, how were you so brave???
Nate: ummm, God told me I could do it.
us: what?! how did God tell you? -very interested-
N: He told me in my dream last night.
us: Oh-K. I ask him what did God look like?
N: (without hesitation, chewing on his food) He was like us!
He had very big hands! and he was very big.
Really tall... like the CN Tower.
Me: wow Nate, were you afraid of God?
N: nope! He was very nice to me!
Would you have the courage to jump right into the pool after a dream like that? No problem with the swimming anymore!!
Leah and the boys |