some pics from August - I know its mid-sept. There are lots of funny things that Jonah and Nate say, but mostly I forget them. I'm sorry my blogs are generally lacking in info and fun things to read, so I'll let the pictures do the talking.
I'll just add some pics of the month. Jonah's soccer is over. Every Tuesday night @ 6:45. It was usually a great time, visiting neighbours, meeting new folks, chasing Nate.

Little man loves soccer too. He kicks anything he can find. "keek, keek. dad?? keek keek"


#4 is the new #1

our resident super-hero who saves random people from such things as: drownings (a favorite), shootings (often violent), falling down and hurting themselves, and monsters. He doesn't save people from animals though, 'cause he is afraid of them. Every SH has a tragic weakness, you know.

He got to try the climbing wall - maybe next year...

Nate was keeking a small yellow plastic ball around the beach for probably an hour. It is right under his foot.

go-carts are always a hit, although they are mostly just carts with not much go. This one here is on a track about the size of our living room. We have to find a place like Lake-O-Law, where people don't care and are not worried about litigation. Remember that Leanne?
me - hey Leanne, you slow poke, HAHAAHA - VROOOMMM ------- ooooh, tight turn... toooo fassttt, uuhhh, skid, smash, crash (tooley weeds). Stunned tires don't even keep the cart on this track.
a few seconds later,
Leanne - hey Mark, stupid kid!! - ummmmmm, sputter, sputter, ummm----
two minutes later, repeat. remember? too funny.

He isn't allowed to drive the big ones on his own, so I get in and let him steer. Everything's great until the cows in the next field get his attention...